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Pastor Phillip Lee and His Way Out Ministries present Season One Audio Podcasts originally broadcast live on KERI 1410AM Radio in Bakersfield, CA

All 4 Seasons and 91 Episodes of 30-minute broadcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Listen online or download all 15 Episodes of Season One.

Homosexuality: A Crisis of Truth, Audio Podcast 01
For many years, the crisis of truth we have faced and the on-going crisis is ultimately not about homosexuality. “The crisis” is the Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture.

“I will praise your name for your loving kindness and your truth, for you have magnified your word above your name.” Psalm 138

The Myths of Homosexuality, Audio Podcast 02
Our second broadcast is titled “The Myths of Homosexuality” which covers questions like: Is homosexuality the worst of all sins; is homosexuality nothing more than just a choice; is homosexuality genetic; will marriage or dating fix the problem of same-sex attraction; and does tolerance mean approving of however anyone lives?

Silence Is Not An Option, Audio Podcast 03
Our third broadcast is titled “Silence Is Not An Option.” It is the clarity of the Holy Scriptures that should compel each and every faithful follower of Christ Jesus to be a light where there is darkness, rather than hiding our witness from those who need it.

Youth and Homosexuality, Audio Podcast 04
Our fourth broadcast is titled “Youth and Homosexuality.” Christian youth often find themselves caught in the middle. Do they hold to the instructions of Scripture, church, and parents or do they reject their faith convictions as outdated and accept a new morality?

Homosexuality and the Reality of Change, Audio Podcast 05
Our fifth broadcast is titled “Homosexuality and the Reality of Change.” Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, God has, is, and will be delivering men and women from the snare of same-sex attraction.

Where Does the Journey to Wholeness Begin? Audio Podcast 06
Our sixth broadcast is titled “Where Does the Journey to Wholeness Begin?” The Christian’s journey to sexual wholeness begins when you put God on the throne instead of self.

Homosexuality vs The Authority of Scripture, Audio Podcast 07
Our seventh broadcast is titled “Homosexuality vs The Authority of Scripture.” It is only through an atmosphere of hunger, utter dependency and willingness to obey God’s Word that He imparts His will and thereby empowers us to be over-comers.

Homosexuality and the Church pt1, Audio Podcast 08
Our eighth broadcast is titled “Homosexuality and the Church pt1.” Caution: Confrontation is not enough to change a heart. The heart, having been hardened through deception or rebellion or both, has to be softened. And that is the work of God alone. Ours is to speak God’s truth, trusting Him to make it alive in our hearers.

Homosexuality and the Church pt2, Audio Podcast 09
Our ninth broadcast is titled “Homosexuality and the Church pt2.” Caution: Confrontation is not enough to change a heart. The heart, having been hardened through deception or rebellion or both, has to be softened. And that is the work of God alone. Ours is to speak God’s truth, trusting Him to make it alive in our hearers.

Why I Cannot Accept the ‘Gay Christian’ Identity, Audio Podcast 10
Our tenth broadcast is titled “Why I Cannot Accept the ‘Gay Christian’ Identity.” As Christians, our relationship with God through Christ is the cornerstone of our identity. Today, many are being told, “Accept yourself and follow your heart.” However, Jesus says, “Deny yourself and follow Me.”

Now, It’s Personal! Audio Podcast 11
Our eleventh broadcast is titled “Now, It’s Personal!” Christians with gay-identified loved ones are often eager to share the Good News of Christ, but they wonder how they can do so without sounding judgmental. When someone you love is homosexual, you quickly become aware of your inability to face life’s challenges apart from the grace of God.

Letting Go, Audio Podcast 12
Our twelfth broadcast is titled “Letting Go”. As Christians, a huge challenge is giving our loved one over to the Lord. If our prayers go something like, “God, do this,” or “God, don’t allow this,” our prayers need to become, “Lord, I ask you to bring my loved one to You in any way You choose.” Letting go goes against our very nature. However, if we want God to work in the situation, we must let Him do it His way.

How Do We Love Them Like Jesus? Audio Podcast 13
Our thirteenth broadcast is titled “How Do We Love Them Like Jesus?” The Gospel of John is clear in its description of Jesus. Jesus was 100% grace and 100% truth. He never erred on one side or the other. If we are truly to represent Christ’s heart and mind to the sexually broken, we must be equally balanced in those two critical areas as well.

Questions and Answers, Audio Podcast 14
Our fourteenth broadcast is titled “Questions and Answers”. For many, homosexuality isn’t just a social issue, it’s very personal. Our “Questions and Answers” broadcast offers straightforward, godly, and compassionate insights into the subject of homosexuality by providing a series of questions that many want to ask but are often reluctant to voice.

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Audio Podcast 15
Our fifteenth broadcast is titled “A Christian Response to Homosexuality”. The faithful Christian Church is called by God to assert its Biblical position that sexuality is God’s good gift – sexually chaste relationships are both possible and desireable – and that sexual passion is designed to be expressed only between a man and a woman in the context of a life-time marriage.

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category on the right.

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