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Category Archive for 'by Pastor Phillip Lee'

If you believe in an all-powerful God, the most obvious answer to this question is “Yes!” While some say – God created some men and women homosexual; acting out sexually doesn’t matter, you are saved by faith and not works; homosexuals were created to be lost; God accepts you where you are and no change […]

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Is there any doubt truth, God’s absolute truth, has both the power to agitate and to silence? The pain, frustration and anguish many are suffering today clearly says something is wrong. That said, truth has the power to turn things around and make things right. God’s Word is “living and powerful, and sharper than any […]

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When prominent church leaders allow secular guidance to trump biblical teaching and truth the church begins to look and sound like the world having revised biblical truth, especially as it relates to homosexuality. It is only when the Church holds to Truth, God’s absolute Truth, the Church has any hope of influencing culture. We are […]

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The alleged Utopia of ‘gay’ has been, is now and shall remain an illusion, a contradiction and a false concept when viewed through the lens of reality. I and many other men and women had to learn this truth the hard way. Honesty requires I acknowledge that change from homosexuality is by no means easy. […]

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Respectfully, truth, God’s truth does not change just because you did. • You told me I needed to surrender my life to Christ Jesus and be born-again. I surrendered. • You told me I needed to forsake and repent of homosexual practice. I repented. I turned away. • You told me my mind needed renewing […]

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When you and I became a Christian, we began a transformation process not just of what we disapprove, but also of how we disapprove. The disapproval of any particular behavior including same-sex practice(s) does not particularly identify one as Christian. Being a Christian is far more profound than changing and voicing what we disapprove of. […]

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With at least 1,000 men expected in attendance per session, I am greatly looking forward to speaking and teaching at the “Stand for Righteousness” Men’s Ministry Conference in Trinidad and Tobago, June 14-17, 2024. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to […]

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Gay Pride Month dedicated to the celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other sexualities held in June every year is fast approaching. It seeks to honor LGBTQ history and the challenges the community faces, past and present and is now celebrated by many individuals and churches that affirm and cheer on LGBTQ […]

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People change slowly, so give yourself time to change. No one attains a stable Christian life in a week or a month, so don’t throw in the towel and give up after six months, thinking that God has forsaken you, and that it is useless to keep on trying. Be patient, and you will eventually […]

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“I am a gay Christian” (Error is never made true by its popularity). Try and try as I have to get my head, heart, and spirit fully around the above statement, I cannot. I cannot because it does not make sense. If, within the statement, one is saying, “I am a Christian that struggles with […]

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