Each Saturday morning beginning at 7:00am (PST) on KERI 1410AM, and live streamed at www.wilkinsradio.com, His Way Out Ministries offers a 30-minute broadcast dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.
Our seventh broadcast is titled “Homosexuality vs The Authority of Scripture.”
Why has the issue of homosexuality been so divisive to the Church?
In many respects, the dividing line seems to be whether the Bible is ‘inspired’ and without error in its original delivery to the prophets from God. Ultimately, the true crisis we face today is the Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture. It really does seem that ‘society’ is often dictating to the Church what the Church should believe.
In many respects, the Church has not been given any choice but to challenge and confront those that promote ‘gay is good’ in a stand against the denigration of biblical authority, the loss of a coherent definition of family, and the sexual exploitation of children.
Frankly, the battle(s) that rages, is not over just a persons’ sexuality, but rather over which spirit will claim that person’s allegiance. The cultural battle over homosexuality has become in many respects the defining moment for our society.
The more important aspect of this battle is not the political one; it is the one for the individual human soul.
Listen online or download the podcast.
Homosexuality vs The Authority of Scripture with Pastor Phillip Lee – Download MP3 –