Today, in America and around the world, in the name of tolerance, diversity, and equality, often the truth has been and is being suppressed regarding homosexual practice.
As a Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life. All life is sacred and deserves to be celebrated. As a result, I remain both alarmed and grieved over the many discrepancies and illusions that continue to be offered and promoted regarding “gay.” As a Pastor, and more importantly, as a Christian, I am willing to set aside the Bible for just a moment and consider homosexual practice from a very real and practical standpoint.
“For Many Gay Men, We Must Come Out Twice,” an article offered in the October 11, 2012 issue of The Advocate, which proclaims to be “the world’s leading gay news source,” a chilling realization and depiction of homosexual practice is offered in detail. Since 2012, I have from time-to-time revisited the content of the article largely due to the undeniable facts and truth that little to nothing has changed in the gay community based upon my personal conversations with many.
During my 17 years yeas as ‘gay,’ I personally witnessed far too many lives devastated and some taking their own lives over the celebration of ‘gay.’ In each and every case the ruin and carnage were not brought about by the individual trying to resolve their same-gender attraction.
There is no question that a goal of the gay liberation movement is to achieve a nationwide ban on counseling for individuals with same-sex attraction claiming “change is not possible” and to say that it is “too harmful.”
In my view, there continues to be relentless social pressure to protect “gays” from discrimination, but also from any form of disagreement, which from personal experience, is tragically promoting a dangerous philosophy.
I find this cause to be even more than intriguing since there is great diversity and disagreement in the gay community over fundamental basics such as “what it means to be gay or lesbian.” The gay community is hardly a unified front as many would have us believe.
While I personally deplore any and all forms of “gay-bashing” and other hate crimes against homosexuals, the extreme medical risks and the fundamental psychological problems often associated with homosexual practice cannot be undermined or dismissed.
That said, today, whether homosexual or heterosexual, the relationship between sexual promiscuity and high-risk sexual behavior are joined at the hip. This is not judgment but rather a fact of life.
In America, very little is being offered which promotes the truth about homosexuality and the general public has slowly but certainly bought into the many untruths with regard to the topic of homosexuality. This did not happen by accident.
In December 1973, by a narrow vote, homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association. The vote was not based upon scientific research but on political pressure from homosexual activists.
So much for an individual’s right of self-determination to address their unwanted homosexual feelings and behavior.
In a nutshell, the problem is the politicization of psychiatry, psychology, and most definitely, the Bible, to the extent that the freedom to investigate and address homosexuality has been and continues to be under serious and relentless attack.
Today, in America and around the world, in the name of tolerance, diversity, and equality, often the truth has been suppressed regarding homosexuality. We can and we must reverse the current trend through education, awareness, and understanding.
Yes, because of very real discrimination, homosexual activists created a brilliant strategic plan to gain across-the-board acceptance. Yet their plan was based on a flawed paradigm to persuade people they were born with same-gender attraction and that change is not possible.
It is an undeniable fact this strategy has worked, in spite of no scientific or Bible evidence to support the opinion, notion, or theory.
Ironically, the biggest losers just may be same-sex attracted men and women who may get everything they think they want, but will they be denied what they truly need?
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee