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Reclaim, Restore, and Rebuild: Hope for Families Impacted by Sexual Brokenness by Carol Wagstaff

When Christian families hear the announcement, “I’m gay,” from a loved one, they need immediate direction, reassurance, comfort, and godly wisdom. Nobody is more qualified to provide all four than Carol Wagstaff, who’s been serving families for decades.

If sexual brokenness – homosexuality or transgenderism – has touched your family, you’re on a painful and challenging journey. But you’re not alone.

Although Nehemiah lived more than two thousand years ago, he would have understood what you’re going through. He dealt with brokenness, weakness, and powerlessness in the face of his circumstances. His heart was broken over unfulfilled dreams. He is a role model for the challenges you face because he endured so much, yet he obeyed God and fulfilled God’s purposes for his life. His life reminds us that we often do not choose the circumstances God allows in our lives, but we can learn to make the best of them.

As you study portions of Nehemiah and the armor of God, you’ll learn to apply principles from these passages to help you reclaim and rebuild your relationship with a sexually broken family member or friend.

Reclaim, Restore, and Rebuild by Carol Wagstaff is available on Amazon.com.

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