When it comes to homosexuality and the many related issues, is it possible we, the Church, have been and continue to be guilty of putting ‘a cause’ before The Cross? If so, is it then possible we have abdicated our moral authority to speak to the issue of our time?
Clearly, the existence and high visibility of a movement with a clear agenda to promote the social acceptance of homosexuality (including bisexuality and transgendered peoples) is beyond debate. The motives and goals of a relatively small segment of our society has been and continues to be significant and influential.
In the words of the Apostle Paul, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, reproof, for correction, and for training.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Homosexuality is, clearly, only one of the myriad types of behavior that are condemned in the Bible, and it is condemned for the same reason as the rest – it is in direct opposition to human well-being, and an affront to the character of God. Therefore, the condemnation of homosexual practice is the perfect expression of compassion, because it seeks to warn and rescue those caught in the snare of same-sex attraction.
God has given the responsibility of outreach and ministry to all of us. Personally, I believe in and have every confidence in the Church’s ability, through Christ, to win gay communities around the world to Christ. We are all in this work together through Him, fulfilling the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20) That said, what is our focus and what are our motives?
Jesus and the writers of Scripture did not hesitate to condemn sin and immorality in whatever form they found it. They did so, for one reason: to liberate men and women from the grip of spiritual, psychological and behavioral bondage. And, they refused to minimize or whitewash evil practice of any kind in order to bring as many as possible to the life-giving rule of God. Should this not be our motive today and why we go to lift high the Name of Jesus and The Cross?
While I completely agree the concern for social justice, physical and psychological health, personal responsibility and the importance of family are all values in which we the Church should be concerned, is our greater and primary concern for all people, “Are they dead in sin or alive in Christ?” If they’re dead in sin, it hardly matters what the sin is, they are dead in sin. The Cross and not ‘a cause’ must be the priority, for the homosexual – just as it must be for us all.
Our ultimate goal should not be to merely combat or bring a halt to the pro-gay movement or even to show that the biblical judgment against homosexuality is well-founded or to effect public policies – as important as all these points and matters are – we, Ambassadors for Christ, are to be instruments in the sovereign hand of God for the accomplishment of His redemptive purposes. Therefore, if we put ‘a cause’ before The Cross, we are seriously off course.
God’s passion should be our passion: “…that none should perish, but that all would have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) As an extension of the Church, I pray we all remember to put The Cross before ‘a cause.’ By introducing people to Christ Jesus and pointing them to the life-giving power of The Cross, men and women will find the freedom He has been offering them all along. Please pray that through the Holy Spirit these precious souls discover that change is possible and their eyes are open to the fullness of life that God offers all of us through His Cross – not a cause.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries