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Frankly, the question shows a certain misunderstanding and attempts once again to place those who struggle with same-gender attraction in a “category” all by themselves. Why should witnessing to gays be any different than witnessing to anyone else?

Ultimately, their homosexuality is not our main concern – or, at least, it should not be the primary concern. The state of their souls is. And if the Gospel is something they’re not interested in, we, The Church, needn’t feel obligated to argue over sexual matters with people who have no interest in such an argument. We see no reason why a Christian should automatically target a gay friend or co-worker as an object of reformation. “As much as possible,” Paul said, “live at peace with all men.” (Romans 12:18)

The Christian Church is perhaps the last organization that continues to promote values that forbid homosexual practice. Frankly, gay militants know that, and that makes The Church an important target. Heaven knows, there has been and there remain tactics specifically designed and intended to frighten The Church into either changing our views or never expressing them. If we allow ourselves to become so frightened, so intimidated, we will deserve the displeasure of God and the spiritual impotence we will surely find ourselves in.

However, history clearly shows that persecution has traditionally strengthened The Church. Maybe, just maybe, the onslaught of gay rights and gay militancy will unite The Church in ways unthinkable until now. Hmmm! What a concept.

The Church remains the Body of Christ. It has a message of redemption that can come from nowhere else. It is also, the last hope and refuge for the homosexual struggler. How do you witness to a gay-identified person? Remember, the goal of The Church is not to make “straights out of gays.” It is to preach the Gospel, and there’s no reason or exception to that rule.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at https://www.hiswayout.com/donate/. Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee

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