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The month of June is now celebrated by many individuals and churches that affirm and cheer on LGBTQ Pride.

But what if the LGBTQ life hasn’t been or is now a season of pride or the party for some of our neighbors, loved ones, or ourselves – that the world says it is?

Personally speaking, it is not (pride) I remember and experience that in some respects continues to haunt me even today.

There are some life realities gay pride could not even begin to heal. Completely and totally by God’s grace, I have survived homosexuality.

While those words correctly define my personal reality regarding homosexual practice, my friends did not survive.

Phillip Lee

If you are experiencing same-sex attraction and are considering embracing the feelings and attractions of such, before jumping into a behavior and identity with highly probable and serious consequences, please get the facts – all the facts.

Sexual pleasure, good in and of itself within the proper context, is nevertheless not an essential requirement for human well-being.

Today, there is no guarantee that social policy is exempt from foolishness. Ultimately, the social pressure that exists to protect “gay” from discrimination has resulted in a tragically dangerous code.

While I personally deplore any and all forms of “gay-bashing” and other hate crimes against homosexuals, the extreme medical risks and the fundamental psychological problems often associated with homosexual practice, cannot be undermined or dismissed.

Today, in America, very little is being offered which promotes the truth about homosexuality and the general public has and is slowly but certainly beginning to believe the many untruths with regard to the topic of homosexuality. This did not happen by accident.

In December 1973, by a narrow vote, homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association. The vote was not based on scientific research but on political pressure from homosexual activists. So much for an individual’s right of self-determination to address their unwanted homosexual feelings and behavior. In a nutshell, the problem is the politicization of psychiatry, psychology, and most definitely, the Bible, to the extent that the freedom to investigate and treat homosexuality has been and continues to be under serious attack.

For some of us, World AIDS Day is not just on December 1st of each year, but rather each and every day of the year.

The phone conversation occurred in 1995. Frank, my very best and only surviving friend of a group of 22 men, called from the hospital in San Francisco. Immediately, I knew something was very wrong.

In 1985, I moved from San Francisco back to Bakersfield, when in October of that year I surrendered my life to Christ and everything got turned upside-down – actually, right-side up.

There was nothing short of a miraculous desire to get to church and remain in church. The only thing I wanted to read was the Bible, attend classes and always be among Christian men and women, worship, and talk, talk, talk, talk, about Jesus.

Occasionally, I would talk to Frank on the phone to check on how life was going. However, our conversations became more and more strained because all I wanted to talk about was the Bible and what was going on at church. Frank, on the other hand, wanted to talk about the party last night and all that went on.

Drifting apart we most definitely were but continued to maintain a long-distance connection if only to hear one another’s voice for a few seconds. We had been close good friends for many years in San Francisco.

One afternoon I received a phone call at work from Frank. His voice was extremely weak, but he still managed to say…

“Phillip, we don’t understand what has happened to you, but you have found something, and whatever it is, keep it up. Keep it up because you have found something. Do it for me and the others. Whatever you do don’t ever come back to this. Promise me, Phillip.”

“I promise, Frank.”

Two days after my last phone conversation with Frank, his mother called to tell me he had passed away.

So, so many are gone, and they left much too soon. I miss each of my friends. I miss them terribly.

Thirty-eight years ago I made a promise. A promise I have kept, and I intend to keep.

During my 17 years as ‘gay,’ I personally witnessed far too many lives devastated and some taking their own lives over the celebration of ‘gay.’ In each and every case the ruin and carnage were not brought about by the individual trying to resolve their same-gender attraction.

Personally speaking, it is a fact because of very real discrimination, homosexual activists created a brilliant strategic plan to gain across-the-board acceptance. Yet their plan was and is based upon a flawed paradigm to persuade people they were born with same-gender attraction and they cannot change. This strategy has worked. But the biggest losers just may be homosexual men and women who may get everything they think they want, but will they be denied what they truly need?

The welfare of both individuals and society as a whole depends upon our facing reality honestly, compassionately, and courageously – which requires facts – all the facts.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at https://www.hiswayout.com/donate/. Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Dr. Michael Brown

Season 3, Episode 23
Dr. Michael L. Brown, founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry, Director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, The Line of Fire, joins Pastor Phillip Lee to continue their discussion, focusing on the question, “Can you be gay and a Christian?” Scripture is abundantly clear that ‘change’ is possible. Today however, especially in America, little is being offered which promotes this truth about homosexuality.

Listen online or download the podcast.

Authority and the Process of Change with Michael Brown pt2 – Download MP3 –

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category to the right.

Straight Talk: In Defense of Biblical Sexuality resumes on Saturday, September 9, 2023 at the new location at Rock Harbor Church, 10904 Snow Road, Bakersfield, CA.

No matter the relationship – parent, child, grandparent, spouse, sibling – the admission of “I’m gay” will likely mark a change in the way you and your loved one understand each other. These can be very difficult waters to navigate.

  • How do I show my love for my same-sex attracted family member and yet remain faithful to the Bible’s admonitions about human sexuality?
  • Should I attend my loved one’s same-sex wedding ceremony?
  • What causes his or her homosexuality? Am I to blame?
  • Can a homosexual really change?

Straight Talk seeks to turn controversy into ministry because those who live by truth engage in the ongoing challenge of applying God’s unchanging standards to our ever-changing culture and world.

Straight Talk, facilitated by Pastor Phillip Lee, His Way Out Ministries, will resume on Saturday, September 9, 2023 and then continue to meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Rock Harbor Church, 10904 Snow Road, Bakersfield, CA.

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Pastor Phillip Lee & Dr. Michael Brown

Season 3, Episode 22
Dr. Michael L. Brown, founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry, Director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, The Line of Fire, joins Pastor Phillip Lee to focus on sexual morality. It is not a matter of each individual’s personal interpretation but is a matter of authority, God’s authority. It is imperative the Church protect and defend The Authority of Scripture.

Listen online or download the podcast.

Authority and the Process of Change with Michael Brown pt1 – Download MP3 –

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category to the right.

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Anne Paulk

Season 3, Episode 14
Join Pastor Phillip Lee and his Very Special Guest Anne Paulk, author of Restoring Sexual Identity, and Executive Director of Restored Hope Network.

Anne shares testimony of her personal journey out of the brokenness of same-sex attraction and we discuss in detail proposed bills in California that, if passed into law, will greatly limit, if not prohibit, men and women receiving the guidance, encouragement, and support needed to walk away from the unwanted brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Today, it truly seems, the real menace of society is not those who oppose immorality but those who promote it. While we cannot, we must not, take the law into our own hands, we can, we will, we must, refuse to allow immorality to become commonplace and acceptable. This is not gay bashing. No one should be labeled hateful, a bigot, or homophobic for standing upon the Authority of Scripture and challenging or opposing the legitimacy of homosexual practice. Scripturally-speaking, it is impossible to validate, promote, or affirm homosexual practice from Scripture.

Listen online or download the podcast.

Restoring Sexual Identity: Banned with Anne Paulk – Download MP3 –

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category to the right.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because his conscience tells him it is right.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

We, the Church, are continuing to pay a very high price due to our reluctance, and sometimes fear, in not talking about and educating ourselves on the subject of homosexuality leaving the culture to teach our children and adults in terms of what to think and believe.

With far too many Christians having mostly ignored the extremely detailed and strategic pro-gay manifesto, how is it we are surprised by the effectiveness of their propaganda and relentless campaign?

For far too long, we, the Church have been in the defense mode, bobbing and weaving just to fend off the impact of the gay rights movement.

Herein lies a personal, and I believe justified concern. Even at this late hour of the pro-gay campaign, most Christians are still failing to see the reality of what has happened and what is on its way. To date, many individual Christians and churches have been bombarded by unprecedented pressure, both legally and socially, to capitulate to the “gay is good” notion.

While it certainly remains possible to resist any notion or theology that flies in the face of God’s Word that homosexual practice, in any form and to any degree, is acceptable to God, Christian ethics and conduct, resistance will no longer occur without paying a high price.

A time of intense testing is underway. Standing upon and remaining faithful to the Truth and Authority of Scripture regarding God’s intent for human sexuality, is going to cost. Sadly, there will be those choosing to deny the Truth and Authority of Scripture regarding homosexual practice to avoid any and all conflict. Consciously choosing to avoid, set aside, dismiss or avoid God’s Word regarding homosexual practice will bring into clarity…

“The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits.” (1 Timothy 4:1)

The faithful to and for God must indeed count the cost of remaining faithful and unwavering to His Word. The days forward will require strength and resolve as continued heat and pressure will continue and intensify.

Indeed, there are deep, critical, and vital issues before us today with raging political theological currents doing their utmost to submerge the Church. Clearly, real and vital issues about the healing and transformation of sexual brokenness have and continue to sharply divide with many lives hanging in the balance.

We, the Church, will not serve humanity, unity, or the cause of Christ Jesus by ignoring the differences that exist or by sticking our heads in the sand. We must not allow emotion or the present political climate to dictate to the Church what we believe nor what we do to further God’s Kingdom.

The time is very, very near where many must decide whether or not they will continue to travel the narrow road with Jesus.

God did not save us to become silent.

Silence implies surrender and consent.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at https://www.hiswayout.com/donate/. Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Season 5, Episode 23
Special Guest: Ken Williams, Co-Founder of Equipped To Love, Co-Creative Director of Changed: Once Gay Stories, and author of his recently released new book titled The Journey Out – How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay.

HWOM Podcast with Ken Williams
– Download MP3 –

Ken Williams

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category below.

The question causes me to re-examine and ponder some of my own thoughts regarding the past and even how I see myself today.

To be honest, it seems that regardless of how much time has gone by, too often my past does its best to enable huge amounts of regret and pain to surface – even now, some thirty-eight years down the road of being a Christian and same-gender attraction no long being an issue. Frankly, it does seem just a bit unfair.

I suppose to some degree that shouldn’t be all that surprising when you still remember clearly words being hurled at you like fag, queer, sissy, pansy, and gay.

Tragically, even today, many men and women struggling with homosexuality or lesbianism continue to be viewed and labeled as the most sinful, and the most despised. Is it any wonder the homosexual community devised a powerful and dramatic paradigm to win public approval and acceptance in doing their utmost to convince the world they were created with an unchangeable sexual orientation?

While memories can be painful, they can also be strangely wonderful. More and more, I find myself regularly reflecting on just how gracious God has truly been to me. In many respects, it’s as though my eyes opened fully.

Admittedly, there are times when I still find myself riding the emotional roller coaster of being HIV positive. However, I have been challenged to really live life to its fullest, to embrace the wonders of life and the possibilities God has to offer. To date, I have been places, met people, and done things that most men and women will only dream of doing and experiencing.

Yes, I have been up and down the sliding scale of wondering what news or disappointing test results would send me wondering – “Where do we go from here God?”

I have known and know the overwhelming love, encouragement, and support of friends, family, and partners in ministry, had the privilege of witnessing God’s restoration and healing power at work in many lives, shared the Gospel and love of God with hundreds and thousands of people through the power of testimony and teaching, seen the establishment of ex-gay ministry in Guyana, South America, and the Caribbean, and have every need met in my life. Not too bad for someone who thought his life was over in January of 1993 when diagnosed with HIV.

Yes, God has been good to me and it really has been through the tests and trials of life that God has refined and brought healing and closure to much of my past.

Yes, would I, like so many others, like to “go back” and have a second chance at doing some things over? You bet ‘cha!

While that is not possible, I have found that some memories do at least fade with time. Also, a person can hasten their demise by choosing not to dwell on them or seeking avenues to reinforce them.

The lies of our past must be replaced with the truth of God’s Word.

It’s not just the reading of God’s Word but the application that enables a man or woman to discover the reality of God’s love for us as individuals and His desire to forgive us for all sin – including homosexual thoughts and actions.

The wonderful truths contained in the Bible, when acted upon daily in our lives, can and will profoundly change the way we see our past and serve as a compass for our future.

There was a time when my entire identity was wrapped up in homosexuality. However, when I became a Christian some thirty-eight years ago, I found my true identity would never be found by looking backward to my past or toward my sexuality.

Past events, regardless of how many or to any degree, do not have to control us forever. Although the process of healing from the past may take much time and effort, it is entirely possible to find inner release and freedom.

I never thought I would be free from some of the haunting memories of my past. While I can still recall certain events, in many respects it’s as though they happened to someone else. I thank God I am free from the power of my past; my past no longer controls my life. With God’s help, this kind of freedom remains available today to any man or woman.

God desires that we all live free from the harmful effects of our past. Free to love and serve Him with purpose and full of hope, joy, and expectation for the future.

“What would have become of me had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait and hope for and expect the Lord: be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14 (Amplified)

Today I choose to view my memories and past as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks.

Right now, the view from where I sit looks pretty dog-gone good!

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at https://www.hiswayout.com/donate/. Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Season 6, Episode 1
Pastor Phillip Lee
As Christians, when discussing homosexuality or other moral issues, we should engage in discussions, seeking to persuade with public reasons aimed at the public good because the gains of cultural philosophy have clouded the issues surrounding the subject of Biblical sexual morality.

In Defense of Biblical Sexual Morality
– Download MP3 –

Pastor Phillip Lee

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category below.

His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Season 5, Episode 6
Special Guest: Carol Wagstaff, author of Reclaim, Restore and Rebuild: Hope for Families Impacted by Sexual Brokenness available at Amazon.com.

Pastor Phillip and Carol discuss the challenges Bible-believing Christian parents face with a son or daughter that sees nothing wrong with homosexual practice.

Listen online or download the podcast.

Reclaim, Restore, Rebuild with Carol Wagstaff
– Download MP3 –

All past episodes of His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast are available by following THIS LINK or selecting the “Audio Podcast” category to the right.

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