“Two days ago, our son told us he believes he is gay. As Christians, what should be our initial response?”
“My son agrees with the Bible that homosexuality is wrong but still chooses to practice. What do I do?”
“As parents, is it our fault our daughter is gay?”
“Why are so many Christians buying into the lie that homosexuals are born that way?”
These are just a few of the questions posed by those in attendance at the Youth For Christ Ministry Fair last Saturday.
I remain grateful to Youth For Christ – Kern County for inviting me share at the Ministry Fair. Once again, after the presentation Youth and Homosexuality – A Crisis of Truth, a long line formed with each and every question largely centering around, “I want to be an Ambassador for Christ, a redemptive influence, but how do I show Christ’s love without appearing to condone homosexual practice?”
The Bible is abundantly clear that all faithful followers of Christ Jesus are to be light where there is darkness, rather than hiding our witness from those who need it. Today, there are still far too many Christians that believe you have to be an expert on all aspects of homosexuality before you can be a godly influence on a friend, relative or fellow brother or sister in Christ.
What is stopping so many today in defending the Authority of Scripture with regard to homosexual practice? Is it fear of being beaten in an argument? Fear of not knowing what to say? Fear of messing it all up? Such fears are groundless. Christians are not in the business of “winning the argument.” People are not argued into the Kingdom of God. What is eloquent and pierces a heart and soul is the personal testimony of someone whose life has been transformed by Christ. This is exactly what excites and captivates the imagination and interest. Not being well versed or educated on the subject of homosexuality is no excuse for remaining silent. We each have our own story to tell.
Having the opportunity to talk with so many people last Saturday at the Ministry Fair, I could not help but ponder all weekend long the voice(s) that must continue to go out from the Christian community regarding homosexual practice is one that is absolutely unsparing in truth, will not compromise under challenging conditions and yet unsparing in love.
Heaven knows, the Church has always had the challenge of responding to the issues of its time. Therefore, it is always encouraging and strengthening to join together with friends and partners in ministry like Sheryl Giesbrecht who facilitated a workshop titled Hope for Hurting Hearts and Randy Martin who offered a workshop titled Mentoring Teens. The individual and collective message? “How you can make a difference.”
I believe the Youth For Christ Ministry Fair offered and emphasized a number of very important points.
- See a person – not just a problem.
- Be willing to listen.
- Point everyone to Jesus.
- You aren’t expected to have all the answers.
- Always, always give hope for something better.
I remain grateful for the opportunity to spend considerable time talking with Adam Capehart, Executive Director of Youth For Christ Kern County, Jerry Buzzell, Associate Director of Operations and Josh Heimiller, Associate Director of Ministry – Youth For Christ Kern County. Very special thanks to Sandra Millard, Associate Director of Staff and Program Development.
Today, it is easy enough to become cynical about the times in which we live, however, when God is put in the equation of life, a hope that does not disappoint rises within us.
It is true that the number of teens embracing homosexuality has become alarming, but we must trust God and reach out to youth with the message of salvation and sexual redemption available through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Clearly, Youth For Christ Kern Connty understands that change starts by one person loving another.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, the I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested.” Martin Luther