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rr-breakingfree-willinghamThe world is awash in sex. We are bombarded with it everywhere we turn. When this ever-present temptation mixes with human weaknesses and unmet needs, many get pulled into addiction to sexually sinful behavior. They may detest their own habits, but they can’t seem to break the pattern.

Russell Willingham speaks from his own experience and that of the many he has counseled, “Yes! There is hope. Jesus offers forgiveness and healing.” In Breaking Free: Understanding Sexual Addiction and the Healing Power of Jesus, the essentials are spelled out in practical steps that can help people begin to break free.

Russell Willingham is the Executive Director of New Creation Ministries in Fresno, California. Breaking Free is available at Amazon.com.

And check out Freedom from Sexual Addiction and Pornography by Russell Willingham on Vimeo.

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