Saturday May 7, 2016
For Ladies Only
It is our nature to isolate when we are struggling with the various trials in life. But we do not have to walk through them alone. Open the door to healing by sharing your experiences, strengths and hope and by becoming willing to accept God’s grace in solving life’s problems.
For Ladies Only, facilitated by Ginny Mitchell, is women supporting, praying, loving and caring for one another by being real and not hiding their feelings. For Ladies Only offers a safe environment to talk about real issues ladies have and are sometimes too ashamed or afraid to talk about. Come and receive biblical guidance, prayer and encouragement for your healing journey.
For Ladies Only meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries Office.
Saturday May 28, 2016
Friends and Family
Facilitated by Craig and Karen Fulwyler, Friends and Family assists parents, friends, co-workers, a fellow brother and sister in Christ, a neighbor, face the complexity of emotions, actions and questions that will undoubtedly surface when learning of an individual’s homosexuality. Please see the article Friends and Family Care Group for additional information.
Friends and Family meets on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries Office.