Beyond equal rights and even beyond affirmative action, the bottom line for many homosexual activists has become power. By reweaving the social, cultural and political fabric of this country, just “coming out” is no longer the sum total of the homosexual movement. Directly tied to the quest for power is the relentless crusade for acceptance – to gain society’s stamp of approval.
Ultimately, what this all amounts to is a society in which a majority of citizens are losing their right to freedom of conscience, which in the case of the subject of homosexuality means the right to withhold affirmation and the right to believe that homosexuality is not on par with heterosexuality. Gay rights advocates demand freedom to practice their sexual preference free from prejudicial treatment while those objecting to or challenging homosexual practice are labeled hateful, homophobic and intolerant. For a vast amount of Americans, agreeing with homosexual practice, in any form and to any degree, would require speaking and acting contrary to their conscience.
It is an undeniable fact that far too much of American culture is in the grip of political correctness. Today, any public disagreement with any aspect of the homosexual movement is immediately met with accusations of gay-bashing. Since when did having an opposing view or possibly hurting one’s feelings become an issue of civil rights?
Admittedly, it’s hard to imagine anyone seriously asserting that homosexuals, as individuals or as a group, lack political access or influence. Considering the current trend, it is entirely possible we will witness legislation which would make any form or type of discrimination against homosexuality illegal simultaneously robbing American citizens of their rights to freedom of conscience and freedom of speech.
As citizens of the United States, all homosexuals have the fundamental rights accorded to every citizen. The right to vote, the right to travel, the right to privacy, and the First Amendment rights of free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.
However, they do not have the right to have everyone agree with them. There is such a thing as legitimate disagreement and the freedom to express different beliefs and principles.