The His Way Out Ministries broadcast is dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.
Saturday at 12 Noon on KERI 1410 AM Bakersfield, CA
Live Stream KERI 1410 AM, Bakersfield, CA
Saturday at 8:30 PM on WLMR, AM and FM, Chatanooga, TN
Live Stream WLMR AM, Chattanooga, TN
Season 6, Episode 10
Special Guest: Dr. John Piippo, Senior Pastor of Redeemer Fellowship Church, Monroe, Michigan and author of his most recent book, Deconstructing Progressive Christianity
For the Church to effectively fulfill the Great Commission to preach the Gospel and make disciples, it must know and affirm the truth about God, humanity, and life, both eternal and temporal.
Affirming Truth with John Piippo pt1
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