For all Christians, there is an on-going struggle between the flesh and the spirit that is often a daily reality.
Therefore, which of these two natures is the real me? More specifically, what does this inner conflict mean for the person addressing unwanted same-sex attraction?
For every Christian, overcoming his or her past – whether it is homosexuality or some other life-dominating struggle – is an on-going process of spiritual growth. In some respects, it never ends. The transformation of anyone struggling with same-sex attraction is a maturing experience similar to that of any believer. The journey out of the brokenness of same-sex attraction is not unique at all. It just has different twists and turns along the way from that of the average heterosexual seeking healing from his or her past.
Without a doubt, to stop homosexual acting out is a significant, important first step. But what then? One of the deepest root issues that every man and woman must change in order to experience freedom from his or her homosexual background is a change in thoughts and identity.
Identity – the core sense of who we are – is probably the deepest and most difficult area to experience change. This is where Scripture can have its most powerful effect. Am I defined by my feelings or by whom God says I am?
Every former homosexual that I have met has repeatedly told me that the reason they have been successful in abandoning homosexuality has been solely due to obedience to God’s Word. Changing their same-gender attraction was a side effect of a much larger goal: being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
Many men and women have found homosexuality to be ultimately disappointing and less than totally fulfilling. Many have sensed that there is something more available, and they want it. However, seeking a ‘straight lifestyle’ is a flawed and misdirected motive for coming out of homosexuality. The ultimate goal and focus should be seeking and reaching spiritual maturity, and not just experiencing a certain sexual orientation.
There is evidence for change from homosexuality right in the New Testament church. In speaking to the Corinthian believers, the Apostle Paul said that some of them had been involved in various sinful lifestyles, including homosexuality. But then he declared, “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11)
Coming out of homosexuality is not a new phenomenon. It has been occurring in the Church since the days of the first-century church – if not before. The message of hope for overcoming same-gender attraction has been declared for centuries.
With that in mind, I hope you will find the following testimonies encouraging and thought-provoking. To God be the glory!
“I am amazed at the change in me. Other people see it as well. Yes, I still experience temptation from time to time, but I now have the strength and the desire to turn away from it. I am so filled with compassion to help others who have the same issue of same-sex attraction that I can’t explain it. I know that it is the Holy Spirit at work in me. I know that I am just a babe in Christ and that I must grow in knowledge and maturity. I wait patiently for the time to come when God calls me to help. I pray daily He will use me to help others. I want to thank you so much for His Way Out Ministries. It is a truly needed ministry in this world. I wish the Church would face this issue more directly and speak of it openly and remove the stigma it has associated with it. I just feel like so many people could be helped more easily. May God bless your ministry. Mike.”
“It was truly God’s plan and blessing that His Way Out Ministries was here in Bakersfield, California just when I needed healing and restoration. You devoted an enormous amount of time, love and understanding to me and I appreciate it and still do appreciate it. You made a positive impact not only on my life but the life of my wife and children. When we all see each other in Glory, you will be able to see how many generations you affected. I praise God for His Way Out Ministries. Please, please, please never be disheartened or discouraged. You are a conduit of God’s love. Jim.”
“I asked Jesus to fully invade my heart and rescue me. I would love to tell you that there was an immediate surge of electricity throughout my body or there was a mighty gush of the Holy Spirit upon me, but that is not how God worked with me. That said, there was an undeniable peace in my heart. The events that followed are nothing short of miracles especially after all the bridges I had burned. I called my parents who helped me get into a Christian drug program in Vista, CA and after about four months of being sober, I began to become truly convicted of my same-sex attraction. My mom, a seasoned prayer warrior, had been in prayer all these years and hunting down any and all ministries for those who struggle with same-sex attraction. She began sending me articles and newsletters from Pastor Lee and His Way Out Ministries with the content just making sense. Finally, I wasn’t alone and I began to see and understand my true struggle wasn’t my drug abuse. For the past eight years, I have been rebuilding my life and learning how to have a relationship with God. It hasn’t been without its trials or its joys. Ultimately, you do not have to surrender to a lie. You have to surrender to God. Kenny.”
Ministering to men, women, and their families is a joyous opportunity to share in the comfort that Christ has given to all of us. It says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”
From All of Us at His Way Out Ministries…
To each of you who continually bless us by your encouragement, ministry participation, financial support, offerings, and prayers, we remain truly grateful. Bless you, for enabling us to speak His truth with love and integrity.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries