December 1, 2013 is World AIDS Day and I find myself doing a considerable amount of reflection. For me, HIV/AIDS is far more than professional – it’s personal.
If you are like me, I often go for long periods of time without ever taking stock of the contents of my address book. And if you are really like me your address book is full of notes, comments and names that have been both penciled in and inked in, arrows drawn to connect various pieces of information and generally an entire hodgepodge of stuff reflecting numerous years of life’s special moments, dates and especially, people.
As the fight against the AIDS pandemic continues, there remains a legitimate concern that public awareness campaigns, education, and condom distribution are simply not working to stop the disease. At the same time, the quest by researchers to find a cure continues.
Experts agree that the answer to stopping the AIDS epidemic globally is not treatment, but prevention. They also agree that the best hope for prevention lies in changing human behavior. Never has the need and the opportunity arisen for the Christian community to take the lead in responding to this present crisis with conviction and compassion.
Many local churches, missionary agencies, faith-based organizations, and Christian hospitals are making a difference on the front lines of the remaining crisis around the world. They teach and model the biblical principles of abstinence and marital fidelity. They offer comfort without condemnation to those living with HIV/AIDS. They provide loving care for multitudes of widows and orphans. Above all, they are called and equipped to meet the spiritual needs of men, women and children affected by this on-going pandemic.
It is an undeniable tragic fact that nations, communities, and families have lost leaders of today and tomorrow. Health care systems have been overwhelmed, economies undermined, and schools robbed of both students and teachers. I remain convinced the continuing global tragedy cries out for a united Christian response.
While I certainly have no desire to sound like a prophet of doom, I could not deny the blatant realization of reading through my address book. The A’s, B’s, C’s, thumbing all the way through to “Z,” only to have each alphabetical section bring a wave of emotion. Each page of every section reflected at least one and often two names that are no long with us. Enough.
It is my continued hope and prayer that when the history of the 21st Century is written, may it be said of The Church of Jesus Christ, that we showed the love of Christ by leading the way in defeating HIV/AIDS. This is all about people.
From All of Us at His Way Out Ministries…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries