The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that evangelism is in some way connected with the final return of Christ at the consummation of all history. Before the final coming of the Son of Man, “the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” (Mark 13:10)
Clearly, the greatest thing you and I can do for all people is to bring them face-to-face with the Christ who died for them.
Twenty-two years ago when God saw fit to birth His ministry called His Way Out Ministries, He could not have been more specific in defining our calling and mission.
The Church
Raise awareness, educate, equip, and encourage the Body of Christ to minister to those who struggle with homosexuality.
Lovingly communicate to the sexually broken that God’s mercy and grace are sufficient for transformation. Restoration and wholeness, through competent ministry, prayer, and a caring Christian community is possible.
Effectively and compassionately communicate God’s heart concerning sexual and relational brokenness, while disputing the unchangeable nature of sexual orientation.
Today, freedom from homosexuality in Christ Jesus does not enjoy a lot of good press. However, The Church, Peter reminds us, exists not least to “declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:9-10)
This Good News is for sharing and His Way Out Ministries is here to ensure it happens.
With Great Appreciation to Our Friends and Partners
A special thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the many individuals and families that have and continue to cover His Way Out Ministries in prayer and for your frequent sacrificial giving. Since 1994, you have been the backbone of our ministry and we remain truly grateful.
It takes a team to reach around the world with the message of hope, healing and transformation in Christ Jesus. Therefore, to the ministries and churches we extend our sincere appreciation for your generosity, advocacy and support.
“Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.” (1 Thessalonians 1:3)
Operation Restoration, Guyana, South America
Living Stones Ministries, Glendora, CA.
Wholeness Ministries, Bakersfield, CA.
Family Community Fellowship, Bakersfield, CA.
Calvary Bible Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Chester Avenue Community Church, Bakersfield, CA.
First Baptist Church, Taft, CA.
Grace Assembly of God, Bakersfield, CA.
New Life Center, Bakersfield, CA.
First Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Northside Community Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Olive Knolls Nazarene Church, Bakersfield, CA
River Lakes Community Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Parkside Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Grace Baptist Church, Santa Clarita, CA.
The Power of Change Outreach International, Jamaica
Hospital Christian Fellowship, Trinidad and Tobago
Rock Harbor Church, Bakersfield, CA.
R&O Fishering Tools, Bakersfield, CA.
Mike Sampley & Associates, Bakersfield, CA.
First Baptist Church, Pomona, CA.
Harvest Christian Church, Bakersfield, CA.
Christian Assembly, Mt. Mesa, CA.
Grace Chapel, Lancaster, CA.
Fairfax Assembly of God, Bakersfield, CA.
Heritage Free Will Baptist Church, Greenfield, CA.
Exodus Global Alliance, Ontario, Canada
Hope Community Church, Pico Rivera, CA.
Calvary Chapel, Lone Mountain, Las Vegas, NV.
Canyon Hills Assembly of God, Bakersfield, CA.
Height Street Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA.
We wanted you all to know that we appreciate you. Your tireless service for the Lord is reflected in all you do. So we pray that you will know how special you are to us and to carry on the work of God, serving in His love.
From All of Us at His Way Out Ministries…
His Way Out Ministries is proclaiming to, educating and impacting the world with the biblical truth that freedom from homosexuality is possible when Jesus Christ is Lord of your life. To each of you who continually bless us by your encouragement, ministry participation, monthly financial support, offerings and prayers…we remain truly grateful!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, the I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested.” Martin Luther