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One of the earmarks of liberal Christianity regarding homosexuality is the rejection of the infallibility of God’s Word and the quest, if not determination, to find Scriptural acceptance (a canon) within the canon (Scripture) to validate, accept, and endorse homosexual practice. Hence, enter pro-gay theology.

In all fairness, my considerable concern for many men and women today struggling, combating the unwanted brokenness of same-sex attraction is how are they to follow the Holy Spirit when much of what God has to say regarding homosexual practice is being dismissed, disregarded and withheld? How are they to hear His voice when His words are being silenced?

Is it possible that far too much of the Church is now relying on feelings, which are very, very often completely disconnected from what the Bible says?

I have shared before it was Christians that held me to the truth and authority of Scripture throughout my discipleship. Admittedly, it was not always an easy road to travel. However, I understood they were holding me accountable because they truly had my best interest at heart. Thank God they never once lowered the bar on the truth of Scripture.

A very frightening reality hit me this morning. If God’s truth had been withheld from me, what would I have been left with?

My walk, your walk with God, is not about personal sensibilities. The gay Christian identity does not exist in the Kingdom of God. There is a much, much better way.

It isn’t new. It isn’t even really profound. It is the willingness and posture to let Scripture have its unhindered way. Most assuredly, humility (how we approach and receive the truth of God’s Word), is the ingredient necessary for transformation enabling you and me to give way to God’s Word, even when it is unpopular.

“O God, make me know your ways. Teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation, and for you, I wait all the day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

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