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“Thank you for taking a stand and the heat that comes along with it. As well, thank you for your timely lectures given at our church on homosexuality while I was leading a tour to Israel and Jordan. I heard from many of our people how informative your material was, and how well you presented it. It’s great to partner with you in this worthy cause.”
Pastor Ted Duncan, Calvary Bible Church, Bakersfield, CA.

“Thank you for sharing your experiences, knowledge and time with us. It was greatly appreciated. May God richly bless and keep you.”
Laventille Open Bible Church, Port of Spain, Trinidad

“Just thought you might be interested to know, the ladies from my bible study will be hosting a Tulare County Christian Women’s Conference here in Porterville with the theme Battle For Your Family. I’ll be giving a presentation on The Alternative Lifestyle – Homosexuality. Much of the information came from His Way Out Ministries. I just wanted to keep you informed of how God is using all the information that I gleaned from HWOM over the years.”
Becky Bay, Porterville, CA.

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