Christian, our culture is relentlessly telling you to shut up. What are you going to do about it?
Today the temptation to minimize, revise, if not disregard the importance of doctrine, critical to the Christian faith but offensive to the world, has slithered into every crevasse of our culture.
It is one thing to stand in judgment of any number of various behaviors today as morally unacceptable; it is quite another in terms of how to respond. Crystal clear distinction needs to be drawn between men and women struggling with unwanted broken identities and behavior versus individuals actively pursuing, living, and promoting a behavior or identity God has deemed unacceptable and sin.
Somehow, some way, what has slithered into the Church today is the misguided notion we Christians are to be out and about saving souls. We are not to save souls – we are to disciple them. Saving souls is God’s business and His alone. As Ambassadors for God, I cannot think of any greater way to honor and glorify God than to reproduce, if you will, men and women after His own image.
That said, a huge problem exists within the Church today. Too often, sharing of the Good News has been shrunk to the dimensions of postings on Facebook and within church walls alone.
Evangelism, sharing the Good News, and witnessing for Christ Jesus is not the same as filling pews. Sharing of the Good News can be and should be communicated in a variety of ways – and not necessarily, or even primarily, in church.
Personally, I fail to see how anyone can realistically acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord when choosing to ignore and disregard the command of Jesus Himself to go into all the world and make disciples. Peter reminds us, all Christians are to, “declare the wonderful deeds of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:9-10)
Sharing the Gospel, telling people about Jesus should be as natural to a Christian as breathing. If not, I humbly submit something is terribly, terribly wrong.
It is an undeniable fact the social, cultural, and political fabric of America has been rewoven by a select and misguided few. Indeed, it is correct to state that much of American society is now fully in the grip of political correctness. Any public challenge or expression of disagreement with any aspect of the gay community, the transgender community, or various other communities, will be met with the Christian community being labeled as ‘bashers.’
However, God placed you here for a purpose and He desires to use your obedience in sharing Him to influence and impact not only this generation but generations to come. All He expects of us is obedience. To share openly, unashamedly, lovingly, without reservation, the greatest news ever announced:
God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life.
God’s love and His plan are available to each and every person and to each, every, and any community.
And, here’s the bottom line: Sharing the Gospel is simply taking the initiative to share Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leaving the results to God.
I am more convinced than ever that the Word of God is still the answer, and that it remains exactly what it’s always claimed to be.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
His Way Out has been faithfully ministering to men and women seeking a way out of sexually broken lifestyles since 1994. We could not do it without the support of Christians like you. Every dollar that you give to His Way Out Ministries helps to further this vital ministry. Won’t you take a minute to prayerfully consider a monthly donation to His Way Out? Please consider making a one-time donation or set up a secure monthly PayPal contribution on our donation page at Thank you, Pastor Phillip Lee