RiverLakes Community Church
Sunday, November 16, 2014
On Sunday, November 16th, At People Encouraging People, a ministry of River Lakes Community Church, Pastor Phillip Lee will facilitate a three-hour training workshop titled Homosexuality and the Church. While the workshop will primarily focus on why has the issue of homosexuality been so divisive to the Church, other topics will include the nuts ‘n bolts of ministry to those with unwanted same-sex attraction.
For more information, please visit RiverLakes Community Church
Rock Harbor Church
Sunday, November 30, 2014
On Sunday, November 30th, Pastor Phillip Lee will be sharing a message titled, A Christian Response to Homosexuality. Scripturally-speaking, what do we know about homosexuality? Do we follow only the red print in our Bibles, or are the teachings of Paul also to be included in the Bible’s inspiration? How should the Church respond to homosexuality?
For more information, please visit Rock Harbor Church