Recently, at People Encouraging People, a ministry of River Lakes Community Church, His Way Out Ministries had the privilege of facilitating a 3-hour workshop for 50 pastoral lay counselors addressing such questions as: Can homosexuals really change? How long does change take? How do I respond to pro-gay arguments? Is homosexuality genetic? What do you say and do when a loved one confesses they are homosexual? All were covered in detail and extremely well received by those in attendance. Below is just one comment for a workshop participant.
“I found the time to be very meaningfully spent with your personal sharing and commentary on the issue of same-sex attraction, choices involved in terms of adopting a gay identity and pursuing a gay-life all very helpful in expanding my understanding of these complex issues.”
Thanks, River Lakes for inviting His Way Out Ministries back once again to participate in People Encouraging People.
Together, we have and we will continue to make a difference!
For ‘Wives’ Only
When homosexuality or sexual impurity hits a marriage, it certainly produces a crisis. However, it may be that with the ‘secret’ becoming known, the marriage has opportunity to survive. For ‘Wives’ Only, facilitated by Ginny Mitchell, offers support in a safe environment with biblical guidance, prayer and encouragement for your healing journey. For ‘Wives’ Only meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am.
Next meeting – Saturday, December 6th!
Friends and Family
Friends and Family offers a relaxed, informal meeting that is available to anyone seeking to understand the complexities of homosexuality and become more effective in reaching those combating same-gender attraction. Facilitated by Craig and Karen Fulwyler, Friends and Family assists parents, friends, co-workers, a fellow brother and sister in Christ, a neighbor, face the complexity of emotions, actions and questions that will undoubtedly surface when learning of an individual’s homosexuality. Friends and Family meets on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am.
Next Meeting – Saturday, December 27th!
Hope Community Church
Pico Rivera, CA – Sunday, January 18, 2015
On Sunday, January 18th during the two Sunday morning services at 9:00am and 11:00am, Pastor Phillip Lee will be sharing a message titled A Christian Response to Homosexuality.