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Today, attempts by pro-gay theologians, pro-gay apologists and revisionists to revise the historic teachings of the Church with regard to homosexual practice are relentless. Admittedly, their effort to persuade the clergy and theologians of the moral legitimacy of homosexual conduct has not been carried out in a vacuum.

Many are now worshipping another Jesus. A Jesus which has been created by man that requires absolutely no sacrifice, makes no demands of obedience, and is completely and totally silent when it comes to sexual sin.

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Scripturally speaking, what do we know about homosexuality?

*We are created beings and created with a specific intent. (Genesis 1:26-2:23) God’s blueprint for human sexuality as found in Genesis 1 and 2, clearly establishes that from the beginning God had a divine intent for human sexuality with well-defined holy boundary lines to live within regarding sexual expression.

  • God’s divine intent for human sexuality is fulfilled within the covenant of a monogamous and heterosexual union. (Matthew 19:4-6)
  • We are a fallen race, and the Fall has marred every part of our experience, including our sexual experience. (Romans 5:12-19)
  • Homosexuality is a manifestation of fallen nature and it violates created intent. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
  • Homosexuals are redeemable and change is possible. (1 Corinthians 6:11)

Nowhere within the totality of Scripture will you find even one positive statement about homosexual practice. Every time homosexuality is mentioned it is always mentioned as a behavior in which no man or woman is to practice.

Difficult as this standard is to obey, it is the calling of Christ for all His followers, including those with same-sex attractions and desires.

We do not need new strategies to combat pro-gay ideology.

We need to individually and collectively do what Jesus Christ commanded us: preach the Gospel, make disciples and be a tangible witness of God’s nature, standards and truths by our love and a clear voice.

The Bible is not unclear. We have not been given a muffled message. To be able to refute unsound doctrine we must be able to listen to others and separate the truth from the lie and the Gospel from secular humanism.

The silence of many has enabled and continues to fuel (1) the denigration of Biblical authority (2) the loss of a coherent definition of family and (3) the exploitation of children.

With much at stake – silence implies consent.

I cannot begin to understand why each and every faithful follower of Christ Jesus and every church would not boldly, courageously, and publicly defend The Lordship of Christ and The Authority of Scripture.

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5)

In Christ’s Name, break your silence, please!

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