Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty.
America and the Church is now facing a challenge, if not a test, which questions our ability and resilience to stand against internal and external forces which threaten to further divide and pull apart. On a much, much deeper level, it comes down to every Christian (a faithful follower of all the teachings of Christ Jesus) willing to make hard choices?
A word to the wise. Do not ever make this statement to this pastor: “But I don’t have time.” Christian, when something, or more specifically, someone, is truly important to us, we find a way. In today’s world, we cannot afford to sit back and hope that the relatively few full-time ministers of the Word accomplish the task alone. The fulfillment of Christ’s great command to, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” (Mark 16:15) is the shared responsibility of every individual who calls Christ Savior and Lord.
As a history student, I am recalling that during the Depression people clearly understood the serious choices before them: pull your hair out and jump out of a window, as some stockbrokers did after the crash in 1929, or unite and work together to see things change, restored, and improve.
Change, true change in America and the Church, will take place when we surrender to a unifying sense of a clear enemy. To neglect or dismiss the existence of the anti-God force the Bible calls Satan, the devil, Beelzebub, and the prince of this world, is to make allowance for evil to advance and thrive. There is a devil and he is out to spoil and mar God’s world in every way he can.
Call me a dreamer but I continue to believe in the greatness of America and the power and influence of God’s vehicle to reach wounded, broken, hurting humanity – the Church. That said, I remain a realist knowing if people remain unwilling to break with the habits of the past, rethink the future, and act anew, we will no doubt witness further divide and fall.
A mission, any mission for Christ Jesus involves unity. It would be a very, very wonderful thing for the world to see that what unites the Christian community is so much greater that what divides us.
The question I pose is not meant to be blunt or insensitive.
Are you a Christian?
If your answer is, “Yes!” please do not be selfish with the Gospel.
The Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, “If our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the likeness of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)
Clearly, those who do not know Christ are perishing. They have not perished yet, but they are on their way. Men, women and children are perishing, captive, and blind to both their predicament and to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Ultimately, this is all about people. Men and women are lost without Jesus Christ.
Psalm 16:11 says, “In thy presence there is fulness of joy, in thy right hand are pleasures for evermore.” Indeed, these are difficult and challenging times. However, there is no joy on earth to compare with that of leading an individual to Christ.
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me.”
(John 14:6).
Today, the change many hope and pray for in our world will only come about through our willingness to pay the price for it. It will require each and every one of us leaving the safety and comfort of church. Yes, our obedience to and for the Gospel will bring us into conflict with the principalities and powers of this world. However, if we are truly going to be bearers of the Good News, we must always be sensitive and kind to others, even though we might disagree with them.
Conflicts are absolutely an inevitable part of life. How we handle and resolve them will demonstrate the extent to which we understand the richness of the Gospel and God’s reconciling love.
You and I are not here at this time by chance. God has brought each of us here for a purpose. I hope and I pray God the Father will challenge and inspire each of us to be a more faithful and effective witness to Jesus Christ in the midst of a world that does not know Him.
“Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6)
Happy Thanksgiving!
All of us at His Way Out Ministries truly covet your prayers. You make it possible for His Way Out Ministries to reach around the world with a message of hope in Christ Jesus.
Believing in Him and You,
Pastor Phillip Lee
Saturday, November 4, 2017
For ‘Ladies’ Only
For ‘Ladies’ Only offers a safe environment to talk about real issues ladies have and are sometimes too ashamed or afraid to talk about. Come and receive Biblical guidance, prayer and encouragement for your healing journey.
For ‘Ladies’ Only meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries, Bakersfield Office.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Friends and Family
Friends and Family offers a relaxed, informal meeting available to anyone seeking to understand the complexities of homosexuality and become more effective in reaching those combating same-sex attraction.
Friends and Family meets on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries, Bakersfield Office.
Educational Seminar and Office Dedication
Homosexuality and the Church
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2017
Seminar: 9:00am to 11:00am
Office Dedication: 11:30am to 12 Noon
Location: His Way Out Ministries
St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church/Christ-Centered Counseling Centre
Corner Agostini & Belle Smythe Streets, Curepe
Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
Educational Seminar: Homosexuality and the Church will address:
- A culture war in society should not dictate to the Church what the Church should believe.
- When the authority of the Bible is denigrated, the Church of Jesus Christ, the light of the world, will be without any clear guidance of her own.
- If we, the Church, have offered homosexual strugglers little help on their way toward making huge, life-changing decisions, don’t we bear some of the responsibility?
- The true crisis we face is not homosexuality, but rather the Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture (Isaiah 5:20).
- Scripture provides evidence homosexuality, though deeply ingrained and habitually practiced, can be overcome both as a lifestyle and as an identity.
Teaching Materials Will Be Provided.

St. Augustine Evangelical Bible Church/Christ-Centered Counseling Centre
There is no fee for the Educational Seminar, however registration is required and may be completed by emailing the name(s) of those attending with a phone contact to: – (limited seating).
Our office dedication will follow the Educational Seminar and we hope you will join us as we celebrate what our Lord has done!
His Way Out Ministries remains dedicated to affirming truth rather than culture.
“The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:4)
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Saturday at 7:00AM
KERI Radio 1410 AM, Bakersfield, CA
The His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast airs each Saturday morning at 7:00AM Pacific Time on KERI Channel 1410AM in Bakersfield, California immediately following Focus on the Family. Outside of Bakersfield you can listen online to the KERI Live Stream.

Recent guests include: (Left) Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Rock Harbor Church, (Center) Pastor Pete Baker, Fairfax Assembly of God, (Right) Pastor Roger Spradlin, Valley Baptist Church
Podcasts are available on our website where you can listen or download for future listening and reference. Simply select the Audio Podcasts Category link for a listing.