Believing in Him and You!
Does failure compel you away from God, or compel you to cast yourself on His grace and His mercy? To be sure, we are all on a journey of obedience and along the way we experience God’s mighty healing hand. Sometimes our path is marked by mountain-top ecstasy of being in His presence, but sometimes it is marked by our surrender and our will to obey Him when all spiritual passion has disappeared.
There is no doubt, no question, our humanity will always bear, to some degree or another, the marks of this fallen age in which we live.
But what exactly does that mean? Could it possibly mean that…
…the habitual liar may still slip at times?
…the temptation of same-sex attraction may surface from time to time?
…the former addict or alcoholic many need on-going accountability in his or her area of temptation and weakness?
…the emotionally, physically, sexually, or mentally abused may still feel threatened in certain environments or situations?
None of the above mentioned, and I could certainly continue on and on, minimizes God’s power or His sovereignty. It simply places each one of us in a process, a journey of becoming whole in Christ Jesus.
That said, it is imperative as a Christian that we maintain the right goal which is always Christ and in turn Christ-likeness. Without question, the goal of sanctification is to be conformed and transformed into the image of Christ and not to be some close-ended definition of wholeness.
Please, please find comfort in knowing that becoming whole in Jesus is a process. And because it is a process – it doesn’t happen over night.
Growing whole takes time. A lifetime in fact. Relax and enjoy the journey.
Believing in Him and You,
Pastor Phillip Lee
Saturday August 5, 2017
For ‘Wives’ Only
It is our nature to isolate when we are struggling with the various trials in life. But we do not have to walk through them alone. Open the door to healing by sharing your experiences, strengths, and hope and by becoming willing to accept God’s grace in solving life’s problems.
For ‘Wives’ Only, facilitated by Ginny Mitchell, is women supporting, praying, loving and caring for one another by being real and not hiding their feelings. For ‘Wives’ Only offers a safe environment to talk about real issues ladies have and are sometimes too ashamed or afraid to talk about. Come and receive biblical guidance, prayer, and encouragement for your healing journey.
“You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” (Philippians 4:13)
For ‘Wives’ Only meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries Office.
Saturday August 26, 2017
Friends and Family
Facilitated by Craig and Karen Fulwyler, Friends and Family assists parents, friends, co-workers, a fellow brother and sister in Christ, a neighbor, face the complexity of emotions, actions and questions that will undoubtedly surface when learning of an individual’s homosexuality. Please see the article Friends and Family Care Group for additional information.
Friends and Family meets on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am at His Way Out Ministries Office.
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Saturday at 7:00AM
KERI Radio 1410 AM, Bakersfield, CA
The His Way Out Ministries Radio Broadcast airs each Saturday morning at 7:00AM Pacific Time on KERI Channel 1410AM in Bakersfield, California immediately following Focus on the Family. Outside of Bakersfield you can listen online to the KERI Live Stream.
Podcasts are available on our website where you can listen or download for future listening and reference. Simply select the Audio Podcasts Category link for a listing.