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Each Saturday morning beginning at 7:00am, His Way Out Ministries offers a 30-minute broadcast dedicated to equipping, educating and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Season 3, Episode 1
Pastor Roger Spradlin, Senior Pastor at Valley Baptist Church, joins Pastor Phillip Lee to discuss the topic “Homosexuality and the Church”. Is the challenge, the crisis, the Church faces today really about homosexuality? Christians should never use God’s Word as a club, but neither should we water down or withhold His Word. Why are so many so adamant about challenging “change is possible for the homosexual?”

Listen online or download the podcast.

Homosexuality and the Church with Roger Spradlin pt1 – Download MP3 –

Phillip Lee & Roger Spradlin

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