Exciting and wonderful, I believe, would accurately define 2019 for His Way Out Ministries. We have witnessed numerous prayers and requests become a reality due to our waiting on the Lord to hear His voice and then earnestly praying according to His will, plan, and purpose for His ministry called His Way Out.
Today, we remain steadfast in learning to listen closely to the Lord as we are on the threshold of a New Year. God is leading all of us at His Way Out Ministries and I am purposed to step through each and every door of opportunity He opens to His Way Out Ministries.
I am confident each individual, family, ministry, and church which comprises the His Way Out Ministries Network in America, the Caribbean, and South America, would ask you to pray for us to continue to clearly hear His voice and do what He tells us.
At His Way Out Ministries, we remain confident our major calling is to disciple men and women with unwanted same-gender attraction as well as develop materials and teachings that will instruct, guide, and equip the Church and its workers. To date, we have been faithful to do this and we give God praise for the numerous doors of opportunity in which our teachings have blessed many thousands of people. Now, our desire is to proceed accordingly to His will as we look forward to a New Year.
His Way Out Ministries continues to receive new people making their way to us for ministry. Individuals that struggle with same-gender attraction, wives whose marriage has been impacted by sexual impurity, parents trying to come to terms with their child’s declaration of same-gender attraction, ministry to those impacted by HIV/AIDS, and more and more invitations, both locally and abroad, to teach and equip the Body of Christ in ministry to the sexually broken remain strong and on the increase. There are those times when it can be overwhelming and appear almost impossible, but that is when we extend our faith beyond our capabilities into the realm of His possibilities and promises.
In 2019, an abundance of new men and women connected with His Way Out Ministries because of their struggle with same-gender attraction. Within minutes of meeting with each man and each woman, each individual expressed, “The gay lifestyle is a dead end, empty and holds no promise for the future.” Frankly, their sincerity and transparency was refreshing and greatly appreciated. During each in-house or on-line meeting, it became obvious that each individual felt like a total and complete failure, in spite of their undeniable gifts, intelligence, and talents. Ultimately, the course of each conversation turned to the importance of each person knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord. Not too surprising since a goal here at His Way Out Ministries is to lead each person that comes our way into the presence of Christ Himself and to teach them how to develop intimacy with Him. Or, as I have heard it said and agree fully, “We are not here to overcome anything, but to be overcome by Christ.”
More than ever, I believe God wants The Church to reach to individuals struggling with same-gender attraction. We are convinced that God the Father is leading His Way Out Ministries into new areas of ministry and into deeper depths of His Holy Presence. He is revealing His heart for this ministry and what He desires to do to penetrate the kingdom of darkness not only in American society but the world concerning sexual brokenness – heterosexual, homosexual, male, female, family, adult, teenager, and the many related issues that accompany sexual and relational brokenness.
As I walk by faith, but also dealing in reality, I am acutely aware that here in America laws are being challenged and changed. Homosexual marriage is legal in the eyes of government and our education system has become much more tolerant and sensitive to lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender students while falsely teaching pro-homosexual lessons through health education curriculum. Religious institutions continue to revise their faith traditions by following social trends. Media and movies are basically a sound stage to promote homosexuality unchallenged and without debate. Scientific organizations are reluctant to allow any discussion about the causes and therapy of unwanted same-gender attraction.
At His Way Out Ministries we believe we have a mandate and a calling to bring understanding to the confusing issue of homosexuality. Indeed, it is past due to set many records straight and provide answers to key questions, separating fact from fiction. Are people born with same-sex attraction? Did God make them that way? Did they choose to have same-sex attraction? Does God really love those who experience homosexual feelings? How do we respond to same-sex attracted family members, friends, co-workers and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
Therefore, His Way Out Ministries remains dedicated to communicating a message of hope that change is possible for those struggling with same-gender desires, we refuse to be silent about the truth, and we remain steadfast in believing people have a choice with regard homosexual practice.
I remain convinced if Jesus were here today He would reach out in love to men and women struggling with same-gender attraction and require His Church to treat the same with dignity and respect. I also believe that Jesus would seek and work towards providing a safe environment for those struggling with same-gender attraction, an environment we are purposed to continue providing at His Way Out Ministries, without fear of condemnation or persecution.
Of course, as followers of Christ, the practice of homosexuality should never be encouraged or affirmed. However, when any man or woman has the courage and the integrity to disclose their battle with same-gender attraction, that in and of itself should never be taken lightly and ultimately viewed as an opportunity to share Christ’s love and acceptance for and to the individual. The delicate balance is our willingness as Ambassadors for Christ to keep the lines of communication open and enter into a relationship without compromising truth or love. It means not backing down from the truth of Scripture and remaining dedicated to reaching men and women in a Christ-like way. Since love is basic to Christianity, His love must be extended to all people – including those that struggle with homosexuality; that, I remain convinced, is exactly what Jesus would do.
Each of us can either be part of the problem by not taking any action, or we can participate in changing history by reaching out in love, forgiveness, and understanding. Ultimately, the crisis of homosexuality will not be solved by politics, science, or the media. The solution is in your hands and mine, within our hearts, inside our minds, and most definitely by our actions. The sooner each person gets involved, the sooner the resolution occurs.
I am confident we have all heard the statement, “God hates sin but loves the sinner.” It has been my experience – both professionally and personally – that this is a true statement. Yes, Jesus is a friend of sinners; in fact, the greatest friend they will ever know.
Equally true is God hates sin. He hates every act of sin that has ever been committed. In fact, He intensely hates it because He understands that it ruins lives, destroys families and corrupts society. In short, the Lord cannot tolerate it because it does so much damage to people’s lives.
All of us at His Way Out Ministries are dedicated to truly loving the sinner but hating the sin. We remain dedicated to continually resist popular trends with our ministry position resting fully on the Authority of Scripture versus the interpretations of some of the social sciences. All ministry services at His Way Out Ministries remain centered on the biblical foundations of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.
Ultimately, as we are on the threshold of a New Year, all of us at His Way Out Ministries believe the Scriptures contain the final truth and authority concerning all matters of morality and present Jesus Christ as the One who has the power to release people from the snare of same-gender attraction.
It is therefore our goal and vision to proclaim this truth of freedom through the Lord Jesus Christ.
From all of Us at His Way Out Ministries…Happy New Year!
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries