Each Saturday morning beginning at 7:00am, His Way Out Ministries offers a 30-minute broadcast dedicated to equipping, educating and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.
Season 2, Episode 18
Roles get reversed when Pastor Roger Spradlin interviews Pastor Phillip Lee in the second part of a two-part episode about saying goodbye to “gay” and surrendering his life to Christ Jesus 31 years ago.
Pastor Spradlin asked important and pointed questions such as: Is there a difference between the terms “gay” and “homosexual”? Did you choose to be gay? How instrumental was the Church in your process of transformation? Were you ever bullied? Do you think a Christian should attend a same-sex marriage ceremony? Am I correct that you personally witnessed the AIDS crisis unfold in 1980? What was it, what happened that ultimately caused you to say goodbye to “gay” and surrender to Christ? Is freedom from same-sex attraction instantaneous when surrendering to Christ or is it a process? Is the ultimate goal for the same-sex attracted person heterosexuality? Is the true identity of a Christian found in their sexuality or in Christ? And, much more.
These are the kind of conversations that need to take place throughout the Body of Christ on a regular basis to effectively and compassionately communicate God’s heart concerning sexual brokenness and wholeness in Christ Jesus.
Listen online or download the podcast.
Roger Spradlin and Phillip Lee Reverse Roles pt2 – Download MP3 –

Pastor Phillip Lee & Pastor Roger Spradlin