His Way Out Ministries Podcasts are dedicated to equipping, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to reach out and minister to individuals, families, and churches impacted by the brokenness of same-sex attraction.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Season 2, Episode 20
Keep trying, loving, praying, and looking for ways to reach gay-identified neighbors, friends, and loved ones. In doing so, regardless how they may respond, you will be living out God’s heart. We are called to sacrificial love, to love in the same way Christ loves us.
“As faithful followers of Christ Jesus, we should never sidestep either truth or grace but speak clear truth about every issue and extend grace to every person. This, I believe, is what the Church is called to be, and I am convinced it is what people are looking for today. It was a church like this that saved my life.” – Phillip Lee
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