For ‘Wives’ Only
When homosexuality or sexual impurity hits a marriage, it certainly produces a crisis. However, it may be that with the ‘secret’ becoming known, the marriage has opportunity to survive. For ‘Wives’ Only, facilitated by Ginny Mitchell, offers support in a safe environment with biblical guidance, prayer and encouragement for your healing journey. For ‘Wives’ Only meets on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am. Next meeting – July 5th.
Friends and Family
Friends and Family offers a relaxed, informal meeting that is available to anyone seeking to understand the complexities of homosexuality and become more effective in reaching those combating same-gender attraction. Facilitated by Craig and Karen Fulwyler, Friends and Family assists parents, friends, co-workers, a fellow brother and sister in Christ, a neighbor, face the complexity of emotions, actions and questions that will undoubtedly surface when learning of an individual’s homosexuality. Friends and Family meets on the fourth Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 11:00am. Next meeting – July 26th.