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Category Archive for 'by Pastor Phillip Lee'

LGBT+ concerns and the church have become muddied over the years. We seem afraid to lift up Jesus, His love and how it changes ANY of our lives. Laying down our will is difficult regardless of the sin pattern. The same Christian ‘disciplines’ that have helped a multitude will also help those struggling with same-sex […]

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I am greatly looking forward to sharing testimony and facilitating an Educational Workshop at the Stand for Righteousness Men’s Conference in Trinidad and Tobago, June 14-17, 2024.

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In order to effectively communicate God’s love to the same-sex attracted, one of the most important prerequisites for anyone – church or individual – is to be clear on your motivation and your message. Why do you want to reach gays? Do you truly love them as Christ loves them? And what exactly is your […]

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Many years ago, Rev. Franklin Graham rallied the Church to Washington DC believing the Church should lead the way in ministering and meeting the needs of those impacted by HIV/AIDS. The Prescription for Hope Conference in Washington DC was a major turning point in my life. I so appreciate Rev. Graham’s articulating the God-given mandate […]

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There are those that have stripped the truth away from grace creating a perversion of God’s person and plan for humanity. As a result, we now live in an age of reckless sexuality with raging political, economic, and theological currents that threaten to submerge the Church today. The Church fit to respond with grace and […]

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The most morally attractive command Jesus ever uttered also happens to be the most difficult to obey: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your […]

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One of my absolute all-time favorite movies, directed by Robert Redford, is “A River Runs Through It”. It is a story about a Presbyterian minister in Montana with two sons. One son most definitely takes a more conventional approach to life while the other is a bit of a rascal. The two men take undeniably […]

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Whether the confession comes from a son or daughter, spouse or close friend, the admission of homosexuality hits like a bombshell, especially in Christian homes. Instantaneously, life seems completely out of control. You are now headed in a direction you never, ever thought you would be going. No matter where you were or how you […]

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It’s hard to do sometimes. But it can start by loving enemies well enough to tell the truth. You and I may possibly believe in truth, God’s absolute truth, but how can His truth be honored if we do not speak or act upon it? No, No, No! to the false notion that being a […]

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To preach the gospel requires speaking the truth about man’s sinful state and his need for salvation, the promise Jesus made as the only way to the Father, and the eternal consequences for rejecting His offer. Sweet and nice versus the preaching, teaching, disciple-making and upholding of holiness and righteousness is killing us. Is there […]

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