If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle.
(1 Corinthians 14:8)
In geographical terms the Caribbean area includes the Caribbean Sea and all of the islands located to the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico, east of Central America and Mexico, and to the north of South America. Some of its counted cay’s, islands, islets and inhabited reefs front the handful of countries that border the region. Trinidad and Tobago is a Caribbean two-island nation near the coast of South America.
Trinidad has the cultural energy and is environmentally rich too, as any naturalist will tell you. Tobago meanwhile is legendary for its peace and calm and its affection for the old-time ways. Surpassing the beauty of Trinidad and Tobago is the warmth and hospitality of its people. Guyana is often referred to as the bridge between South America and the Caribbean, bordering Brazil to its south, Venezuela to its west, Suriname to its east, the Atlantic Ocean on the north. A member of the Caribbean Community of nations, its history and heritage are shared with the former British West Indies and English its language.
For many years now, each ministry trip to Trinidad and Tobago always includes a visit to Isaac Christian Radio 98.1FM which is the most widely listened to radio station in all of Trinidad and Tobago. Michelle Smith, Founder and Director of The Power of Change Outreach International in Jamaica and author of From Lesbianism to Grace and Pastor Phillip Lee have been given numerous opportunities to share with Trinidad and Tobago the important role of The Church in ministering to those with unwanted same-gender attraction. At the close of the each program, contact information for The Power of Change Outreach International and His Way Out Ministries is always shared. As a result and without fail, email inquiries from individuals, families and churches are always considerable providing undeniable and overwhelming evidence to the need of many to connect, dialog and receive ministry with regard to same-sex attraction.
The Caribbean Ministry Network is dedicated to raising awareness, educating and equipping the Body of Christ throughout the Caribbean to minister to those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction.
Jamaica is an island in the West Indies, 90 miles south of Cuba and 100 miles west of Haiti. It is a little smaller than Connecticut. The island is made up of coastal lowlands, a limestone plateau, and the Blue Mountains, a group of volcanic hills, in the east.
The hour meeting with the Governor General enabled Pastor Lee to share testimony as well as the need and importance of ex-gay ministry in Jamaica.
Since 1999, His Way Out Ministries has been raising awareness, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ in Guyana to minister transformingly to those struggling with same-sex attraction. Guyana is a tropical country on the northern shoulder of South America and is approximately the size of Great Britain or the combined size of the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, and bordered by Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname, and the Atlantic Ocean.
For many years now, His Way Out Ministries has enjoyed a strong ministry partnership and friendship with Operation Restoration, a local Guyanese ministry. Operation Restoration equips leaders with the requisite knowledge and skills to impart God’s perspective on human sexuality, and t empower youth, through educational and cultural programs, to become role models in the way they manage their sexuality.
Of all the challenges that we face as the Church in today’s society, whether in America or in the Caribbean, sexuality is undoubtedly one of the greatest.
If we, as Christ-followers, being fully and unconditionally committed to the entire Word of God, and valuing our call to be the salt and light of society, then we must come to terms with the rapidly changing scene around us and, in particular, the cries of individuals, families churches seeking help with regard to same-gender attraction and related issues.
God offers new life to all who are willing to receive it. Getting energized to fight homosexuality as just an “issue” may seem worthy, but we shouldn’t let that become more important than praying for the souls of the lost and hurting – and doing something positive to help homosexuals who want out of their captive lifestyles.
The Holy Spirit is mightily on the move in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Guyana with other doors of ministry opportunity opening in the Caribbean. Truly, through the atonement of Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, God has, is, and will be delivering men and women from the snare of homosexuality.
Caribbean Ministry Network
Trinidad and Tobago Email abundant.life.000@gmail.com
Guyana Email operationrestoration@yahoo.co.uk
Jamaica Email thepowerofchange@yahoo.com
- Dedicated to raising awareness, educating, encouraging and equipping The Body of Christ throughout the Caribbean to minister to those who struggle with same-sex attraction.
- Is based upon our concern regarding the issue of homosexuality and we seek to minister to those within the Church and Islands throughout the Caribbean, with the truth of Scripture, the power of testimony and the dialog of issues.
- Is committed to effectively and compassionately communicating God’s heart concerning sexual brokenness and wholeness, while disputing the unchangeable nature of sexual orientation.
- Affirms that all persons need the ministry of the Church in their struggle for sexual wholeness, and we commit ourselves to that end. Our position rests on the Authority of Scripture versus the interpretations of some of the social sciences.
- All ministry services are centered on the biblical foundations of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.
- Believes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the healing power of the Holy Spirit, often mediated by extended and competent ministry, prayer, and a caring Christian community, the sexually broken can experience transformation towards wholeness.
All of us at His Way Out Ministries truly covet your prayers. You make it possible for His Way Out Ministries to reach around the world with a message of hope in Christ Jesus. Today, the need remains great but too often the resources are few.
We desperately need you to help us in this effort.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, the I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is tested.” Martin Luther