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“When we have children, we release hostages to fate.” – John F. Kennedy

Last night, I spent the evening with approximately 20 parents, Christian parents with gay-identified children. When the meeting concluded and I arrived back home, my mind continued to revisit and process the many things shared.

A common thread that frequently surfaced during the meeting was distinguishing between “acceptance and approval.”

Loving a wayward child the way God loves them means loving them unconditionally. It also means accepting the truth and reality that only God can bring about the change in them you hope and pray to witness.

It wasn’t until many years down the road of a new life in Christ Jesus that my mother shared with me, “You don’t know how many times in prayer I got in the enemy’s face and said ‘I don’t care what he has done or even how many times he has done it, in Jesus’ Name, devil, you can’t have him any more!’”

Choosing to “act” rather than “react” to the unwanted circumstance(s) that have come into your life is a healthy first-step forward. Seek a care group, a community in which you can be real by sharing your legitimate concerns. Those in the group need not be experts on the subject of homosexuality and they may not have ever experienced this kind of crisis themselves, but if they are compassionate people, they can give you a great deal of emotional support and nurturing.

Scripture clearly defines the Church as family. (1 Timothy 5:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:2-5; Hebrews 12:7-10). Having a safe environment and opportunity to be transparent with one another enables opportunity to unlock the excessive pressures of this journey called life and relieves pent-up emotions.

Keep Romans 8:28 forever in your heart. God’s promise that, “all things work together for good,” even when things seem to be shattered should take a high position on the priority list of verses on suffering.

At His Way Out Ministries, we have found and continue to see and understand the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he is in trouble.”

Our Part: As faithful followers of Christ Jesus, our part is to respond with godly love, understanding, patience and to clearly define the difference between acceptance and approval.

As Christians, we accept all people but that does mean we approve of how they may be living.

God’s Part: To give strugglers an abhorrence for the behavior that will bring them to a place of complete surrender to the sovereignty of God in their lives, and a desire to change.

God loves to walk in and turn things around. He loves to do what looks humanly impossible.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

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