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In 1994, God saw fit to birth His ministry called His Way Out Ministries. We began as we remain today, fully committed to raising awareness, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to minister to those who struggle with unwanted same-gender attraction. Today, His Way Out Ministries remains concerned regarding the issue of homosexuality and seeks to minister to those within the Church, and the community at large, with the Truth of Scripture, the power of testimony and the dialog of issues.

The ministry of His Way Out Ministries begins where God has already laid the foundation; we are not to save souls but to disciple them. Salvation and sanctification are the work of God’s sovereign grace; our work as His disciples is to disciple lives until they are wholly yielded to God. It is only in the atmosphere of hunger, utter dependency and willingness to obey that God imparts His holy and righteous nature, where He reveals His perfect will, and where He entrusts to any man or any woman the power to overcome same-gender attraction. Today, a true, faithful, disciple of Christ must live wholly and only for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Any individual that has experienced freedom from same-gender attraction has been compelled by the love of God planted in his or her heart through an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus and has been empowered to resist temptation by the Holy Spirit. Whenever Jesus talked about discipleship, He always prefaced it with an “if,” never with a “you must.” Today, freedom from same-gender attraction requires a full, total, unconditional surrender that many are unwilling to offer. Ultimately, freedom from homosexuality or lesbianism revolves around the intimacy that is developed by being a disciple of Christ and the diligence and hunger with which He is pursued.

At His Way Out Ministries, we believe God wants each man and each woman to be so identified with Christ, so intimate with Him that each individual literally takes on the mind and the behavior of Christ. Truly, an earmark of a disciple of Christ today requires the individual’s heart to be fully and continually submitted to Him for on-going renovation.

Our position rests on the Authority of Scripture versus the interpretations of some of the social sciences and medicine. We believe through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, discipleship, the healing power of the Holy Spirit, often mediated by extended and competent ministry, prayer, and a caring Christian community, the sexually broken can experience transformation and restoration towards wholeness.

All His Way Out Ministries Services are centered on the Biblical foundations of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.

As a result, His Way Out Ministries has never nor do we now utilize or apply the clinical methods of Reparative or Conversion Therapy. Our mandate and calling is taken directly from the Lord Jesus, “Therefore go and make disciples…” (Matthew 28:19)

We live in a sexually broken society in which homosexual practice, adultery, and fornication are sins that call for repentance and openness to the transforming power of God. We believe in the ministry of the church to assist those who desire sexual wholeness. And while we do not condone the practice of homosexuality, adultery, or fornication, and consider such practice incompatible with Christian teaching and conduct, we believe that God’s grace is available to all who repent.

We repudiate any non-loving, prejudicial attitudes that deny Christ’s unconditional love for all people and declare such behavior to be sin. Our intent is to extend a compassionate Christian ministry to everyone.

We are committed to effectively and compassionately communicating God’s heart concerning sexual brokenness and wholeness, while disputing the unchangeable nature of sexual orientation.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

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