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His Way Out Ministries (HWOM) remains heavily networked with and working in ministry partnership with the Caribbean destinations of Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. We care deeply about those combating same-gender attraction and it is our collective goal and privilege to share with The Caribbean the transforming power of God’s love and forgiveness without compromising the truth.

By invitation of Hospital Christian Fellowship (HCF) of Trinidad and Tobago, Debra Gauthier and I will be departing for Trinidad and Tobago on October 17, 2013. During our two-week journey, we will be sharing the message there is freedom from homosexuality through the unconditional love and grace of Jesus Christ. Both Debra and I are extremely grateful to Hospital Christian Fellowship for arranging various and numerous speaking opportunities in churches, bible schools, and Christian radio, with each venue dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and encouraging the Body of Christ to minister to those who struggle with same-gender attraction.

Pastor Phillip Lee and Debra Gautier

Pastor Phillip Lee and Debra Gautier

At His Way Out Ministries we believe we have a mandate and a calling to bring understanding to the confusing issue of homosexuality. Indeed, it is past due to set many records straight and provide answers to key questions, separating fact from fiction. Are people born with same-sex attraction? Did God make them that way? Did they choose to have same-sex attraction? Does God really love those who experience homosexual feelings? How do we respond to same-sex attracted family members, friends, co-workers and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?

Therefore, His Way Out Ministries remains dedicated to communicating a message of hope that change is possible for those struggling with same-gender desires, we refuse to be silent about the truth, and we remain steadfast in believing people have a choice with regard to homosexual practice. Photo: Debra Gauthier and Pastor Phillip Lee Hospital Christian Fellowship is convinced if Jesus were here today He would reach out in love to men and women struggling with same-gender attraction and provide a safe environment for those struggling with unwanted same-gender attraction enabling them to receive the ministry of the Church in their struggle for sexual wholeness. HCF and HWOM remain committed to that end. Please look for a trip report in an upcoming His Way Out Ministries newsletter. We would greatly appreciate your prayers.

From All of Us at His Way Out Ministries…

To each of you who continually bless us by your encouragement, ministry participation, monthly financial support, offerings, and prayers…we remain truly grateful.

Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries

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