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Leadership Tune-Up Conference
September 25 – 28, 2016

I am very grateful for the invitation from Dr. Charles Revis, Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of the Northwest, to facilitate workshops at the upcoming “Leadership Tune-Up” to be held at Ross Point Camp in Post Falls, Idaho – September 25 – 28, 2016.

This year’s “Leadership Tune-Up” will focus on helping churches accelerate their efforts in evangelism and outreach.

Keynote speaker is Kevin Harney, Senior Pastor of Shoreline Church in Monterey, CA and author of numerous books including “Organic Outreach for Churches” and “U-Turn Church”.

On Wednesday morning, I will have the opportunity to meet and share with all of the Regional Pastors before heading back to California. The conference is for pastors and church leaders all across Mission Northwest.

Since the focus of the Conference is to “accelerate efforts in evangelism and outreach,” I am extremely honored to attend, prayerfully contribute, fellowship and worship with so many dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ of the Northwest (Utah, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada).

From All of Us at His Way Out Ministries…

To each of you who continually bless us by your encouragement, ministry participation, monthly financial support, offerings, and prayers…we remain truly grateful. His Way Out Ministries is proclaiming to, educating and impacting the world with the biblical truth that freedom from homosexuality is possible when Jesus Christ is Lord of your life! (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

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